What Your Oral Health Says About Your Body

What Your Oral Health Says About Your Body

By Wave Agency

Oral health is a serious matter that can sometimes be ignored by those who do not understand its overall impact on the body. Luckily, e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry is here to help with many years of dental and oral health experience behind their belt. Doctor Kilimitzoglou of e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry has the following to say in regards to oral infections, explaining how they “up-regulate several systemic inflammatory reactions that, in turn, play a role in the development of systemic diseases.”

Recent worldwide studies have attempted to correlate poor oral health with autoimmune diseases and other afflictions. These studies have been illuminating for the oral health community, revealing that poor oral health does increase the chance of serious diseases in other areas of your body.

It may be worrisome that oral health has an impact on overall body health, but patients should know that there are options out there to combat poor oral health’s impact on autoimmune conditions by utilizing minimally invasive, biomimetic dentistry meant to squash infections within the mouth before they can expand to other parts of the body.

According to e.s.i.’s Dr. K, “Patients with periodontal disease create immune cells that are inflammation biased. This leads to chronic inflammation beyond the oral cavity. As this cycle continues, there is progressive tissue breakdown and diminished tissue repair capacity.”

Diabetic patients should also know that periodontal diseases affect 1 out of every 4 diabetic patients. This is because a lack of glucose control adds enhanced risk to one’s gums developing diseases. In turn, gum disease can have a negative effect on your overall oral health. It should also be known that periodontal diseases affect 1 out of every 4 diabetic patients.

Diabetes causes the body to be more susceptible to cavities and inflammation in general, but oral health can still be maximized with the right habits. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and regular health checkups with e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry, as well as avoiding heavy consumption of sugary foods.

Patients with autoimmune diseases may be at higher risk for loose teeth, cavities, and other dental afflictions if their oral health habits are not up to modern standards.

Diseases such as Crohn’s Disease are also a concern for those with periodontal issues in general. Uncontrolled periodontitis leads to inflammation which can move throughout the body. Coupled with an autoimmune disease such as Crohn’s, you may notice a breakdown of gum tissue as well as bone loss in the mouth.

“I cannot stress enough how vital it is to have a customized prevention plan for your oral optimization. Keep smiling, stay healthy, and be happy!” writes Dr. K.

A customized prevention plan that takes into account all of your oral health needs is possible through e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry’s expert team. Schedule an appointment today, and find your way to your best smile!


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