Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Loss with Dr. K

Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Loss with Dr. K

By Wave Agency

Tooth loss can be detrimental to a patient’s mental and physical health. The toll that tooth loss takes on a person often begins as a mental struggle. It is important for the average individual to consider what their smile means to them, and how they can best benefit themselves when it comes to oral health.

At the end of the day, oral health is deeply connected with the health of the rest of your body. Each year millions of Americans experience tooth loss of some kind. Many Americans are missing at least one tooth, but of this group of citizens experiencing tooth loss, most people going through such a condition are often missing many teeth.

When someone’s teeth are missing, a dental expert can often judge a person’s overall health based on that fact. This is because missing teeth are often a sign of a variety of health problems that may be due to improper oral health habits. Of course, accidents outside of the body can also lead to tooth damage. As such, it is important to consider the state of your teeth and whether or not the reason you are missing teeth is an internal one.

One’s mental state can have a heavy impact on health. When missing teeth, patients often report lower levels of morale in general. This, in turn, can lead to further health issues down the line. In the words of e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry’s Dr. Kilimitzoglou:

“As the number of missing teeth increases, so do diseases and risk of death.”

Tooth loss is not a trivial matter. Major studies have brought forward evidence that tooth loss increases the risk of serious afflictions. This includes heart attacks, strokes, and others. It has never been more clear that oral health should not be ignored as an aspect of overall bodily health.

Tooth loss is associated with a loss of physical health in ways that most patients do not expect. “If you think about it, digestion begins in the mouth. It is no surprise then, that improperly chewed food has a devastating and far-reaching impact on our health,” writes Dr. K.

A major issue that has not been discussed yet is that of food chewing with missing teeth. Improperly chewed food can be devastating to the body. Large chunks of food do not travel easily throughout the body and are left less digested than small food chunks. When large chunks pass through your digestive tract, fewer nutrients are picked up and your body has to work overtime to digest. Tooth loss can certainly be emotional as well, leading to high levels of stress which contributes to other negative health factors. As technology advances within the dental field, it may become trivial to organically fix damaged or lost teeth, but for now, it is of the utmost importance to keep your teeth balanced, strong, and healthy. This is made harder the longer you live, but, keeping a focus on preserving your natural teeth for as long as possible will ultimately prove beneficial.

Dr. K and e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry’s experienced team is here for all of your dental needs. Schedule an appointment today!


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