Your Saliva and What it Can Tell Dental Professionals

Your Saliva and What it Can Tell Dental Professionals

By Wave Agency

Saliva has some surprising secrets to reveal to the average person. However, this secret is something well known by those who study oral health, namely, dental practitioners can study a patient’s saliva to discover what may be going on with someone’s overall health. At the end of the day, saliva is an integral part of the body. It has numerous roles that the average person does not often understand.

By understanding how important saliva is to the body, patients can learn how best to take care of themselves, and can also discover for themselves the signs their bodies are trying to show to them. Professionals throughout the oral health industry can notice diseases through the observation of saliva alone.

e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry’s Dr. Kilimitzoglou in his writings about oral health and saliva had this to say, “You would be amazed at how many things our saliva is responsible for. It has immune, digestive functions, antibacterial properties, it contributes to speech, chewing, swallowing, protecting your gums and strengthening of your teeth.”

Most importantly, saliva contains crucial enzymes that correspond and aid with the health of your body. These enzymes assist with your body’s primary functions. In fact, many of these are functions that are not directly found within your mouth. bodily functions, many of these functions being ones outside of the mouth. There is lactoferrin and lysozyme, which allows for harmful substances to be properly broken down, as well as amylase. Amylase is important because it is the enzyme responsible for beginning the digestive process.

“The mouth is an ecosystem, kinda like a forest, a lake, or river. All the microorganisms need to be in harmony and they help each other thrive,” writes Dr. K.

If you want your saliva in top shape, this often corresponds with the right diet. Calcium is particularly beneficial for oral health at large. Saliva also plays a prominent role in moving minerals like calcium throughout the mouth and into other systems of the body. In turn, this boosts tooth strength by helping them to resist harmful acids. 

A trained professional, such as the experienced dental team at e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry can even test the quality of your saliva to ensure that your body is working smoothly. If your saliva is of the highest quality, your oral health, and body in general, will be on its way to being in top shape. Being vocal about your saliva concerns and consulting with the team at e.s.i. can overall improve the quality of your health as well as knowledge of your own body.

For all your dental needs, schedule an appointment with e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry today!


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