e.s.i. and Healthy Gums

e.s.i. and Healthy Gums

By Wave Agency

Healthy gums are one of the cornerstones of proper oral health, but it is not as simple to manage as many Americans have experienced. The best way to tell if your gums are fit and healthy is to take note of their color. A strong, pink coloration without signs of reddening is what you want to be seeing. With further maintenance, your gums can remain that color. This is also an overall good sign for your oral health, as healthy gums, according to e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry’s Dr. Kilimitzoglou, means that harmful bacteria are being kept at bay.

But if you are experiencing reddening, things are different. Dr. K has written at length about gum health, writing, “But, gums don’t lie. If you are not consistent with good oral hygiene practices, the inflammation around gums takes weeks to reverse.”

Some diseases can be attributed to discoloration of the gums. The strength of your gums as well, meaning how well they are holding your teeth in place, should be considered an indication of oral health as well. Bacteria is often what will be affecting your gums the most, for better or worse. This is where key oral habits come into play. The best way to clean bacteria is through positive oral health habits such as regular brushing and flossing as mentioned. However, visiting the dentist can be just as important.

“Healthy gums are supposed to be coral pink, stippled and tight around teeth. They appear to be pink because they are highly vascularized with hundreds of fine blood vessels,” writes Dr. K.

At the end of the day, gum health contributes to oral health, and oral health contributes to the overall health of the body. Your mouth is the entryway of your digestive system. When harmful bacteria within the mouth are allowed to fester, it becomes easier for that bad bacteria to reach other areas of the body.

Not only is our digestive system at risk from oral bacteria, but our respiratory system as well. According to Dr. K: “Many of us are mouth breathers. Therefore, it can also be a portal into our respiratory system.”

Gum health can be achieved through the right habits, but it can be hard to manage for those who are breaking out of their bad ones. This is why dental visits play a key role in the development of your oral habits. With an expert, your health can be checked properly, you can ask questions, as well as find a path towards proper oral habits. This is especially important for young children who are still just developing these habits.

e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry has all you need to flourish and find your or your child’s path to an amazing smile that you can be proud of. Schedule an appointment today, and learn how Dr. K and his team can benefit your oral health!


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