The Most Common Tooth Brushing Mistakes

Because brushing your teeth seems like second nature, it can oftentimes cause you to overlook easy steps when brushing your teeth. Keep reading to learn the common tooth brushing mistakes people make in their everyday routine from family dentistry in Smithtown, New York. 

Rush Through Their Dental Routine

It is important to take the appropriate time to care for your teeth daily. This includes brushing your teeth, flossing, and rinsing your mouth to ensure healthy and happy teeth. Every morning and night, you should brush your teeth for around two minutes each time. Don’t let life get in the way of taking care of your teeth and brushing properly. 

Keep Your Toothbrush for Too Long

When you find a toothbrush you like, you can often forget that it needs to be changed and replaced every three to four months. Once your toothbrush becomes discolored, dirty, or falls apart, it is important to purchase a new brush. Bacteria can grow if you do not replace them frequently. 

You Forget to Brush Your Gums

It is very common to forget about your gum line while brushing. It is very important to keep your gums in mind while brushing your teeth because that is where bacteria accumulate. Healthy and happy gums are just as important as your teeth to prevent infections and sensitivity. 

Your Brush Too Hard

Your teeth and gums are sensitive areas, so it is important to be gentle and take your time while brushing. Brushing harder is not always better and can lead to bleeding and pain. You can avoid that by brushing gently to keep your teeth clean and plaque-free. 

e.s.i Healthy Dentistry

Avoid these common tooth brushing mistakes and learn more from our dentists at e.s.i Healthy Dentistry! At e.s.i Healthy Dentistry, family dentistry in Smithtown, New York, we provide great services and tips for keeping your teeth happy and clean. Visit our website to learn more or schedule an appointment today! 


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