Does the Type of Toothpaste You Use Matter?

Does the Type of Toothpaste You Use Matter?

By The Wave Agency

At ESI Family Dentistry, we always get asked the question, “Does it matter what type of toothpaste I use?” First of all, it is important to brush your teeth daily and keep good hygiene habits no matter what toothpaste you use. Using any toothpaste is better than using none, but when walking down the dental aisle at the store, there are so many different toothpaste types to choose from that it can get confusing and overwhelming. Keep reading to learn some tips from a dentist in Smithtown on how to choose the perfect toothpaste for you.

How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for You

When choosing the type of toothpaste for you it is important to ask yourself a few questions to see what you need in a toothpaste. Here are a few questions to go over before purchasing a type of toothpaste:

  • Do I want whiter teeth?

  • Do I need a toothpaste that protects against tartar?

  • Do I have sensitive teeth?

  • Do I need a toothpaste that my kids can use as well?

  • Do I have gum disease or gingivitis? 

All these questions and more are great to ask yourself before purchasing a specific type of toothpaste. Your purchase should depend on these questions, but one thing to look out for when buying toothpaste is fluoride. Fluoride is a protectant against tooth decay and strengthens the enamel of your teeth. Having fluoride in your toothpaste can be a great way to maintain good dental hygiene. You should also be looking for ADA-approved toothpaste, which means that it is clinically proven by the Oral Health Topics at 

The rest of your decision on the type of toothpaste you purchase depends on your specific needs and wants. If you want whiter teeth, try and go for a toothpaste that includes abrasive agents such as baking soda. If you have sensitive teeth, try to look for a type of toothpaste with potassium nitrate or strontium chloride. Find out what you need and what works best for you because everyone is different! 

ESI Family Dentistry

At ESI Family Dentistry, a dentist in Smithtown, we are happy to help you with any questions or recommendations for choosing the type of toothpaste you use. Stop into ESI Family Dentistry, located at 42 Terry Road in Smithtown, New York, to learn more about steps towards a healthy and happy smile! Visit our website or give our office a call at (631) 979-7991. You can even schedule an appointment online at our dentistry office in Smithtown for all your teeth needs today!


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