Dr. K on the Health Cost of Losing Teeth

Dr. K on the Health Cost of Losing Teeth

By Wave Agency

Millions of Americans are missing at least one tooth, with most of them missing many teeth. Missing teeth can be a mental struggle as well as a physical one, affecting your oral health in ways that many do not expect.

The truth is that your entire body can be affected by tooth loss. According to e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry’s Dr. Kilimitzoglou, “As the number of missing teeth increases, so do diseases and risk of death.”

According to recent leading scientific findings, tooth loss can increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Missing a front tooth can be an ordeal both physically and emotionally, but missing a back tooth also has its negatives. At the end of the day as the number of missing teeth increases in your body, so do diseases. 

In the words of Dr. K: “If you think about it, digestion begins in the mouth. It is no surprise then, that improperly chewed food has a devastating and far-reaching impact on our health.”

Chewing allows for further nutrition to be digested by your body, but if you are missing teeth, your ability to chew is impacted. Half-chewed or improperly chewed food is a massive problem for those who have lost multiple teeth. This is mainly because chewing allows for further nutrition to be digested by your body. Overall, unchewed foods are less beneficial to the body.

As technology advances within the dental field, it may become trivial to organically fix damaged or lost teeth, but for now, it is of the utmost importance to keep your teeth balanced, strong, and healthy. This is made harder the longer you live, but, keeping a focus on preserving your natural teeth for as long as possible will ultimately prove beneficial.

e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry is here for all of your dental needs. Schedule an appointment today!


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